Submit Your News, Announcements, and/or Resources to PACT Marketing

With your membership, we help you leverage our network and marketing channels to share your company's message. From news, recent hires, and achievements to articles, digital materials, blogs, and videos, our platforms are here to amplify your voice and provide resources beneficial to PACT’s audience!

Ways to Leverage Our Marketing Channels:

  • PACT Website: Share your press releases, blog posts, white papers, and other resources.
  • PACT Social Media: Submit your company news, announcements, upcoming events, or links to pre-written posts for us to reshare.
  • PACT Connection (Newsletter): Highlight your news and events in our weekly newsletter.
  • Info Hub and Member Directory: Maximize your personalized business listing to upload resources, share updates, and enhance brand awareness.

For questions, please contact

Please verify that you have checked the “I'm not a robot” checkbox.

Contact Information

I consent to having this website store my submitted information so they can respond to my inquiry.

What are you promoting?

Please provide a brief summary of your news, material, or announcement.

What is the type of content that you'd like us to promote?

Press Release
Blog Post
White Paper/Case Study/Resource
Event Announcement
Job Announcement or New Hire Announecment
Podcast or Webinar
Report or Survey

Please upload any supporting files, images, or links related to your submission, if applicable.

20MB max

PACT Website/Blog
PACT Social Media
PACT Connection (Newsletter)

If you have any other needs that are not covered about (such as specific dates, quantity of posts, etc.), please include this information here.